Question How can I pay for my order?

We accept Paypal and credit card.  Our credit card provider Stripe is a leading payment processing company.  Hundreds of thousands of businesses—ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies—rely on Stripe’s software tools to securely accept payments and expand globally.

Question Do you ship internationally?

We are now accept orders from Hong Kong, Australia, UK, US, China, Taiwan and Singapore.

Question How long does shipping take?

From the time your order is placed, it takes 7 to 10 working days for getting your items from Coleman.  Once the item is arrived to our warehouse, we will send it by sf express to Hong Kong/ China/ Taiwan and e-express airmail to Australia/ UK/ US.

Question Will my package be delivered to my mailing address?

Yes, your package will delivery to your mailing address.  If the postman could not reach you at this address, they will contact you by phone for re-arrange delivery time and date.

Question What is the return policy?

Please contact us within 7 working days after order arrived and keep all the packaging for returns or exchange.